France - Coupe de France (W)

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Adjutor Viviane 31 1m83 France
Agblemagnon Brenda 29 1m83 France
Akonga Nsimbo Pauline 42 1m88 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Alcoverro Rachel 23 1m70 France
Allemand Julie 28 1m73 Belgium
Allen Rebecca 31 1m86 Australia
Amant Marielle 34 1m90 France
Anderson Ambrosia 40 1m83 United States
Andre Deborah 25 1m77
Armant Morgane 24 1m90 France
Arrondo Isis 35 1m66 France
Aubert Camille 35 1m70 France
Ayayi Valeriane 30 1m84 France
Ayim Miranda 36 1m91 Canada
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Elenga Kekelly 33 1m86 France
Ewodo Yohana 23 1m82 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Hamaoui Jade 23 1m83 France
Hamblin Ruth 30 1m98 Canada
Hamiani Elena 25 - France
Harris Chandra 35 1m85 United States
Hejdova Romana 36 1m83 Czech Republic
Henot Olivia - France
Heriaud Caroline 27 1m65 France
Herminjard Evita 26 1m75 Switzerland
Hirigoyen Camille 23 1m86 France
Hurt Courtney 34 1m85 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ilouga Monique 1m74 France
Ivanovic Milica 36 1m75 Serbia-Montenegro
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jacquet Emmanuelle - France
Jakovljevic Helene 23 1m77 France
Johannes Marine 29 1m78 France
Jovanovic Nevena 34 1m79 Serbia-Montenegro
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Kamba Laetitia 37 1m87 France
Kessler Serena 21 1m79 France
Kobryn Ewelina 42 1m93 Poland
Konate Aminata 33 1m68 France
Kone Assitan 29 1m90 France
Konteh Adja 32 1m78 France
Kunek Alice 33 1m88 Australia
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Lardy Anael 36 1m70 France
Le Bruchec Anaelle 30 1m77 France
Lebas Alyzee 25 - France
Leblanc Ines 24 1m70 France
Leedham Johannah 36 1m76 United-Kingdom
Lenglet Camille 26 1m69 France
Lezin Prescillia 26 1m82 France
Limouzin Hortense 26 1m65 France
Lithard Pauline 30 1m64 France
Little Camille 39 1m88 United States
Logan Asia 32 1m84 United States
Lokoka Lorraine 34 1m84 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Loyd Kalis 35 1m88 Sweden
Lucet Soana 37 1m86 New-Caledonia
Luke Paula 28 1m83 Latvia
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Macquet Sixtine 23 1m96 France
Magoni Coralie 34 1m66 France
Majekodunmi Victoria 27 1m75 France
Mamadou-Debat Paola 31 - France
Mane Marie 28 1m83 France
Mann Kristen 41 1m86 United States
Marie Ludivine 26 1m85 France
Martineau Sarah 27 1m69 France
Martinet Maelys 24 1m87 France
Mavambou Jessica 24 1m82 France
Mbandu Naomi 25 1m88 France
Mbaye Carla 25 1m80 France
Mbuyamba Marie-Bernadette 31 1m84 France
McCray Danielle 36 1m80 United States
Medenou Maud 33 1m89 France
Mehadji Sirine 24 1m90 France
Meite Ninda 25 1m82 France
Mendy Elodie 29 1m63 France
Mendy Guiday 38 1m85 France
Merlino Antonella 23 -
Micaletto Melissa 34 1m62 France
Michaud Amandine 26 1m73 France
Michel-Boury Sarah 35 1m80 France
Milandu Esther 25 1m86 France
Milapie Marie-Michelle 28 1m92 France
Millard Josephine 25 - France
Minte Kadidia 33 1m87 France
Mipoka Anne-Lise 24 1m83 France
Monpierre Oceane 23 1m70 France
Montgomery Renee 37 1m70 United States
Morateur Clementine 28 1m75 France
Mosch Sheana 43 1m77 United States
Mosengo-Masa Catherine 28 1m92 France
Mosqueda-Lewis Kaleena 30 1m80 United States
Mulumba Marine 27 1m71 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Naigre Elodie 29 1m83 France
Nauwelaers Heleen 28 1m80 Belgium
Ngo Ndjock Anna 25 1m76 France, Cameroon
Ngoyisa Bernadette 42 1m95 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Njonkou Amina 36 1m83 Cameroon
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Okou-Zouzouo Margaux 33 1m85 France
Ottensen Noemie 26 - France
Ousfar Sarah 31 1m83 France
Ouvina Cristina 33 1m74 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Radocaj Tamara 36 1m70 Serbia
Raincock-Ekunwe Nayo 33 1m89 Canada
Reghaissia Sabrina 40 1m89 France
Renou Amaya 24 - France
Revel Romane 25 1m93 France
Robert Geraldine 44 1m84 Gabon
Robin Oceane 23 1m76 France
Rodgers Ta'shauna 34 1m75 United States
Ruef Mikaela 34 1m91 United States
Rupert Iliana 23 1m94 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Tadic Ana 25 1m95 France
Talbot Stephanie 30 1m88 France
Tanqueray Ingrid 36 1m66 France
Tayeau Johanna 35 1m73 France
Tchangoue Alexandra 38 1m80 France
Tchatchouang Diandra 33 1m86 France
Tetemondova Katarina 35 1m88 Slovakia
Thorburn Shona 42 1m78 Canada, United-Kingdom
Toure Mamignan 29 1m83 France
Traore Assetou 29 1m84 France
Turcinovic Lidija 30 1m76 Serbia
Turmel Angelina 27 1m97 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Uhel Melissa 31 1m63 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Vanloo Julie 31 1m71 Belgium
Venditti Carla 26 - France
Verin Rejane 30 1m85 France
Viale Anais 33 1m88 France
Vrdoljak Matea 38 1m86 Croatia
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Williams Kaylon 31 1m89 United States
Wintz Justine 26 1m82 France