
Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Alexandris Vangelis 73 1m87 Greece
Andritsos Liveris 64 - Greece
Arcega Fernando 64 2m04 Spain
Aroesti Motti 70 1m88 Israel
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Behnke Gunther 61 - Germany
Belostenny Aleksandar 65 2m14 Ukraine
Berkowitz Mickey 70 - Israel
Beugnot Eric 69 2m00 France
Binkowski Jerzy 65 - Poland
Blab Uwe 62 2m18 Germany
Bogin Niv 64 1m97 Israel
Bogucki Zbigniew 60 - Poland
Bohm Zdenek 67 - Czech Republic
Bonamico Marco 67 2m01 Italy
Brauer Uwe 62 1m93 Germany
Brosterhous George 73 2m05 United States, France
Brunamonti Roberto 65 - Italy
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Cachemire Jacques 77 1m97 France
Caglieris Carlo 73 1m77 Italy
Cham Patrick 65 1m96 France
Chomicius Valdemaras 65 1m93 Lithuania
Corbalan Juan Antonio 70 1m84 Spain
Cosic Kresimir 75 2m11 Croatia
Costa Ario 62 - Italy
Cramer Dan 72 - Netherlands
Creus Molist Joan 67 1m75 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Dacoury Richard 65 1m95 France
Dalipagic Drazen 72 1m98 Bosnia and Herzegovina
De La Cruz Juan 70 2m03 Argentine
Deganis Jean-Luc 65 2m03 France
Derjugin Nikolai 65 - Russia
Dubuisson Herve 67 1m95 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Elimelech Israel 64 - Israel
Enden Heino 64 - Estonia
Eremine Stanislav 73 - Russia
Eriksson Goran 72 - Sweden
Esveldt Jelle 64 - Netherlands
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Faber Al 73 - Netherlands
Falestrom Bo 72 - Sweden
Fassoulas Panagiotis -
Faye Apollo 72 2m08 Senegal, France
Feldreich Sten 73 - Sweden
Fikiel Krzysztof 66 2m06 Poland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Galis Nikolaos 67 1m85 Greece
Garnier Christian 60 1m98 France
Gekos Minas 64 - Greece
Giannakis Panagiotis - Greece
Gilardi Enrico 67 1m92 Italy
Grant Kenny 73 - Sweden
Grbovic Goran 63 - Serbia
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Haquet Daniel 67 2m02 France
Havlik Vlastimil 67 - Czech Republic
Hraska Gustav 71 1m87 Czech Republic
Hudson Frank 67 1m97 Germany
Hufnagel Freddy 64 1m87 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Iturriaga Juan Manuel 65 1m96 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jamchy Doron 63 1m98 Israel
Jandak Jiri 60 2m17 Czech Republic
Jechorek Jaroslaw 63 - Poland
Jimenez Andres 62 2m06 Spain
Jovaisa Sergejus 69 1m96 Lithuania
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Karlsson Jon-Olof 72 - Sweden
Katsoulis Mathaios 68 - Greece
Kicanovic Dragan 71 1m91 Croatia
Kielbik Stanislaw 63 1m87 Poland
Kijewski Eugeniusz 69 1m86 Poland
Kokolakis Dimitris 74 2m15 Greece
Korner Christoph 61 1m89 Germany
Kropilak Stanislav 69 - Czech Republic
Kuipers Jos 62 - Netherlands
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Larrouquis Alain 74 1m86 France
Lassoff Howard 68 2m08 United States, Netherlands
Lopatov Andrei 67 2m05 Bulgaria
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Magarity Bill 72 1m98 United States, Sweden
Malion Bernt 67 2m06 Sweden
Mallach Albert 73 - Greece
Margall Jose Maria 69 2m04 Spain
Martin Fernando 62 2m05 Spain
Marzorati Pierluigi 72 1m87 Italy
Masura Blazej 67 - Czech Republic
Meneghin Dino 74 2m04 Italy
Mlynarski Mieczyslaw 68 1m99 Poland
Monclar Jacques 67 1m93 France
Mulak Ireneusz 68 1m95 Poland
Mychkine Anatoly 72 - Russia
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Nordgren Thomas 68 1m82 Sweden
Nystrom Peter 71 - Sweden
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Okac Jiri 60 2m17 Czech Republic
Ostrowski Stephane 62 2m05 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Radovanovic Ratko 67 - Serbia-Montenegro
Rahm Roland 69 - Sweden
Rajniak Peter 71 - Czech Republic
Reschke Stanislaw 72 - Poland
Ridderhof Rene 64 - Netherlands
Riva Antonello 62 1m96 Italy
Romanidis Michail 59 - Greece
Romay Fernando 64 2m13 Spain
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Sabonis Arvydas 59 2m22 Lithuania
Sacchetti Romeo 71 1m99 Italy
San Epifanio Juan 65 1m99 Spain
Savovic Milenko 64 2m10 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Schilp Ronald 64 - Netherlands
Schlachter Steve 70 2m07 Israel
Schrempf Detlef 61 2m09 Germany
Sehlberg Jerry 66 - Sweden
Senegal Jean-Michel 71 1m84 France
Sibilio Candido 65 2m00 Dominican Republic
Silver Louis 70 - United States, Israel
Skala Jaroslav 70 - Czech Republic
Skyttevall Ake 68 - Sweden
Slavnic Zoran 74 1m80 Serbia-Montenegro
Solozabal Ignacio 66 1m85 Spain
Sowa Armin 65 2m03 Germany
Stavropoulos Nikolaos 65 - Greece
Strauss Matthias 68 1m94 Germany
Sunara Yvan 65 2m03 Serbia
Szanyiel Philip 63 2m04 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Tarakanov Serguei 66 - Russia
Tonut Alberto 62 - Italy
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Valters Valdis 67 - Latvia
Van De Lagemaat Cock 68 - Netherlands
Van Den Bergh Roland 65 - Netherlands
Van Essen Rob 68 - Netherlands
Vecchiato Renzo 69 2m07 Italy
Vestris Georges 65 2m13 France
Vilfan Peter 67 1m90 Slovenia
Villalta Renato 69 2m04 Italy
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Wadehn Lutz 63 2m01 Germany
Weglorz Justyn 66 2m03 Poland
Wiel Randy 73 - Netherlands
Willis Johan Josef 71 - Israel
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Yaakobi Ofer 68 - Israel
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zander Klaus 68 2m10 Germany
Zelig Dariusz 66 - Poland
Zisman Shmuel 68 - Israel
Zizic Rajko 69 2m10 Serbia-Montenegro
Zlotikman Haim 67 - Israel
Zuffa Juraj 65 - Slovakia