France - NM1 Playoffs

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Adala Arnaud 31 1m98 Cameroon
Anderson Ron 34 2m04 United States
Andre Cedric 31 2m02 France
Andremont Anthony 23 1m92 France
Anfinif Yanis 26 1m84 France
Archinard Damien 25 1m93 Slovakia
Artamonov Klym 30 1m85 Ukraine
Awich Joel 31 2m01 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Edzata Rigo 27 2m03 Democratic Republic of the Congo
El Amrani Rida 37 1m85 France
Eyango Guillaume 22 2m02 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Falzon Aaron 28 2m02 United States
Fanchini Alex 25 1m80 France
Fandelet Vincent 32 2m00 France
Faye Bachir 22 2m01 Senegal
Flosse Matthias 25 2m10 France
Fontaine Lucas 28 1m80 France
Francoise Jonas Marie - France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Galbrun Louis 21 1m96 France
Gassama Cheikh 28 1m93 France
Gauthier Harvey 23 1m85 France
Gendrey Dylan 30 2m02 France
Gneze William 23 2m01 France
Gottin Thibaud 25 2m00 France
Gountas Malcolm 30 1m90 France
Grebongo Johan 30 2m06 Central Africa
Gregoire Romain 33 2m01 France
Gudul Omari 30 2m08 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Gueye Ousmane 23 - Senegal
Gurgey Charles 29 1m89
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Haidara Moustafa 22 2m05 France
Haidara Ibrahima 31 2m05 Mali
Hamon Joran 21 1m96 France
Hanck Quentin 31 1m92 France
Hannequin Pierre 26 1m90 France
Harrath Yanis 25 1m78 France
Hoeltzel Romain 20 1m83 France
Housieaux Tony 35 1m99 France
Hyenne Tom 24 1m94 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ilic Vladimir 24 2m03 France
Incredule Kilian 28 1m75 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jeanne Jonathan 27 2m18 France
Jubenot Calvin 37 1m98 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Kherzane Elias 25 1m80 France
Kimbrough Martyce 28 1m85 United States
Kouyate Lucas 25 1m99 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Obiejesi Olivier 23 1m96 France
Omoerah Keith 32 1m94 Canada
Ona Embo Carl 34 1m88 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Tchicamboud Jayson 22 1m95 France
Tchuisse Jonathan 1m98 France
Thibedore Florian 34 1m93 France
Thomas Fred 31 1m95 United States
Toure Moustapha 1m92 France
Truffert Pierre 24 1m90 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Van Ounsem Thomas 25 2m06 Belgium
Var Mickael 34 2m06 France
Venckus Augustinas 26 1m90 Lithuania
Veraghe Lucas 23 1m97 France
Verbeke Joffrey 37 1m95 France
Vergez-Pascal Martin 21 - France
Vincent Thomas 27 1m84 France
Vitale-Boiteux Valentin 23 1m87 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Watt Demond 35 2m00 United States
Weber Louis 26 1m86 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Yangue Franck 33 2m05 Cameroon
Yao-Delon Olivier 29 1m93 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zero Junior 27 1m95 France