France - LFB (W)

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Adams Danielle 35 1m85 United States
Agblemagnon Brenda 29 1m83 France
Ajanovic Ines 43 1m95 Serbia-Montenegro
Akonga Nsimbo Pauline 42 1m88 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Amant Marielle 34 1m90 France
Anderson Ambrosia 40 1m83 United States
Andreyeva Yuliya 40 1m88 France
Arrondo Isis 35 1m66 France
Aubert Camille 35 1m70 France
Ayayi Valeriane 30 1m84 France
Ayim Miranda 36 1m91 Canada
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
El Bakkouche Mona 28 1m78 France
El Gargati Naura 44 1m92 France
Epoupa Olivia 30 1m65 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Fagnez Elise 29 1m98 France
Favre Aurelie 32 1m75 France
Filip Ana Maria 35 1m95 France, Romania
Foisse Anais 28 1m83 France
Fouasseau Jenny 32 1m79 France
Frederic Elodie 28 1m76 France
Fugier Perrine 27 1m67 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Halman Naomi 38 1m91 Netherlands
Hamilton-Carter Danielle 34 1m91 New Zealand
Hassell Jasmine 33 1m87 United States
Hejdova Romana 36 1m83 Czech Republic
Hendrickx Sofie 38 1m86 Belgium
Hodges Laura 40 1m91 Australia
Hurt Courtney 34 1m85 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
James Tavelyn 34 1m70 United States
Jannault-Lo Pauline 37 1m93 France
Johannes Marine 29 1m78 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Kaltsidou Styliani 41 1m88 Greece
Kamba Laetitia 37 1m87 France
Kone Assitan 29 1m90 France
Konteh Adja 32 1m78 France
Krawczyk Pauline 39 1m82 France, Poland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Niamke Esther 31 1m64 France, Ivory Coast
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
O'hea Jenna 37 1m85 Australia
Okou-Zouzouo Margaux 33 1m85 France
Ouardad Najat 34 1m52 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Page Danielle 37 1m88 United States, Serbia
Paul Carine 36 1m76 France
Pellerin Lea 28 1m65 France
Plagnard Alexia 34 1m70 France
Plouffe Michelle 31 1m93 Canada
Plust Melanie 34 1m73 France
Pocek Ana 30 1m90 Serbia-Montenegro
Pochet Amelie 40 1m80 France
Podrug Emilija 44 1m90 Croatia
Prod'homme Elise 35 1m80 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Rad Jovana 37 1m87 Serbia-Montenegro
Rasheed Rita 35 1m84 Hungary
Reghaissia Sabrina 40 1m89 France
Riondet Melanie 28 1m84 France
Ristic Katarina 40 1m70 Slovenia
Robert Geraldine 44 1m84 Gabon
Rooney Erin 34 1m73 New Zealand
Rousseau Axelle 27 1m79 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Tanqueray Ingrid 36 1m66 France
Tchatchouang Diandra 33 1m86 France
Thorburn Shona 42 1m78 Canada, United-Kingdom
Tobin Rebecca 36 1m95 United States
Tolo Marianna 35 1m96 Australia, Croatia
Toure Oumou 36 1m90 France, Senegal
Traore Astou 43 1m86 Senegal
Turcinovic Lidija 30 1m76 Serbia
Turmel Angelina 27 1m97 France
Tyutyundzhieva Hristina 31 1m89 Bulgaria
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Vanloo Julie 31 1m71 Belgium
Vasseur Fiona 28 - France
Vrdoljak Matea 38 1m86 Croatia
Vucurovic Maja 33 1m87 Serbia-Montenegro
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Wauters Ann 43 1m93 Belgium
Westelynck Chloe 33 1m88 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Yderstrom Stefanie 34 1m73 Sweden
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zohnova Katerina 39 1m80 Czech Republic