Old Dominion Monarchs 2008-2009 stats


Player Height Age Pts Reb Ast GP W-L MIN 3P% FG% FT% Or Reb Ast Stl To Blk Fo Pts Eff PTS REB AST
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 17.1 6.5 1.3 10 6-4 34.3 66.7% 55.3% 81.1% 2.4 6.5 1.3 0.6 2.6 0.7 2 17.1 17.5 30 11 4
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 9 4.8 0.8 10 6-4 23.7 47.4% 48.7% 53.8% 2.6 4.8 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.8 1.2 9 10.4 17 10 2
Darius James 1m87 19 7.8 2.5 3.8 10 6-4 33.3 25.7% 34.2% 78.9% 0.8 2.5 3.8 0.7 3 0 1.7 7.8 6.2 14 5 7
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 7.1 4.5 0.3 10 6-4 16.7 - 50.9% 65.2% 2.2 4.5 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.9 2.4 7.1 9.3 20 11 1
Ben Finney 1m98 20 6.6 6.2 1.9 10 6-4 30.5 15.6% 26.9% 54.3% 2.7 6.2 1.9 1.4 1.2 0.2 2 6.6 7.8 12 11 7
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 5.7 4.5 1.5 10 6-4 23.7 37.5% 37% 80% 1.3 4.5 1.5 0.4 0.9 0.4 1.1 5.7 8 12 10 3
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 5.4 3.3 2 10 6-4 18.9 37.5% 31.6% 52.9% 0.8 3.3 2 1.2 1.1 0.2 1.6 5.4 6.3 14 8 5
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 4.6 2.9 1.6 10 6-4 16.8 28.6% 34% 50% 1.2 2.9 1.6 0.8 1.2 0.2 1.9 4.6 4.8 10 6 6
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 2.5 0.3 0.5 4 2-2 6.3 22.2% 23.1% 66.7% 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.5 2.5 0.5 6 1 1
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 0.6 0.6 1.3 7 3-4 6.6 - 33.3% 0% 0 0.6 1.3 0.6 0.6 0 0.6 0.6 1.6 4 2 2
Total 64.7 35.7 14.3 10 25--15 205 30.6% 40.6% 65.6% 14.1 35.7 14.3 6.8 12.3 3.5 14.5 64.7 71.6
Opponents 62.6 28.5 12.8 10 - 205 37.9% 44.6% 65.1% 7.3 28.5 12.8 6.6 12.6 3.2 16.9 62.6 67.3
Gap 2,1 7,2 1,5 0 - 0 -7,3% -4,0% 0,5% 6,8 7,2 1,5 0,2 -0,3 0,3 -2,4 2,1 4,3
197 cm
20 years old
Player Height Age Pts Reb Ast GP W-L MIN 2P 3P FG FT Reb Ast Stl Blk Fo Pts Eff
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 171 65 13 10 6-4 343 61/111 2/3 63/114 43/53 24 65 13 6 26 7 20 171 175
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 90 48 8 10 6-4 237 28/57 9/19 37/76 7/13 26 48 8 3 8 8 12 90 104
Darius James 1m87 19 78 25 38 10 6-4 333 18/44 9/35 27/79 15/19 8 25 38 7 30 0 17 78 62
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 71 45 3 10 6-4 167 28/55 0/0 28/55 15/23 22 45 3 8 8 9 24 71 93
Ben Finney 1m98 20 66 62 19 10 6-4 305 16/46 5/32 21/78 19/35 27 62 19 14 12 2 20 66 78
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 57 45 15 10 6-4 237 11/30 9/24 20/54 8/10 13 45 15 4 9 4 11 57 80
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 54 33 20 10 6-4 189 9/33 9/24 18/57 9/17 8 33 20 12 11 2 16 54 63
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 46 29 16 10 6-4 168 12/33 4/14 16/47 10/20 12 29 16 8 12 2 19 46 48
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 10 1 2 4 2-2 25 1/4 2/9 3/13 2/3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 10 2
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 4 4 9 7 3-4 46 2/6 0/0 2/6 0/2 0 4 9 4 4 0 4 4 11
Total 647 357 143 10 25--15 2050 186/419 49/160 235/579 128/195 141 357 143 68 123 35 145 647 716
Opponents 626 285 128 10 - 2050 162/336 69/182 231/518 95/146 73 285 128 66 126 32 169 626 673
Gap 21 72 15 0 - 0 24/83 -20/-22 4/61 33/49 68 72 15 2 -3 3 -24 21 43
Player Height Age Pts Reb Ast GP W-L MIN 3P% FG% FT% Or Reb Ast Stl To Blk Fo Pts Eff PTS REB AST
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 17.9 6.8 1.4 10 6-4 36 66.7% 55.3% 81.1% 2.5 6.8 1.4 0.6 2.7 0.7 2.1 17.9 18.4 30 11 4
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 13.7 7.3 1.2 10 6-4 36 47.4% 48.7% 53.8% 3.9 7.3 1.2 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.8 13.7 15.8 17 10 2
Darius James 1m87 19 8.4 2.7 4.1 10 6-4 36 25.7% 34.2% 78.9% 0.9 2.7 4.1 0.8 3.2 0 1.8 8.4 6.7 14 5 7
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 15.3 9.7 0.6 10 6-4 36 - 50.9% 65.2% 4.7 9.7 0.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 5.2 15.3 20 20 11 1
Ben Finney 1m98 20 7.8 7.3 2.2 10 6-4 36 15.6% 26.9% 54.3% 3.2 7.3 2.2 1.7 1.4 0.2 2.4 7.8 9.2 12 11 7
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 8.7 6.8 2.3 10 6-4 36 37.5% 37% 80% 2 6.8 2.3 0.6 1.4 0.6 1.7 8.7 12.2 12 10 3
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 10.3 6.3 3.8 10 6-4 36 37.5% 31.6% 52.9% 1.5 6.3 3.8 2.3 2.1 0.4 3 10.3 12 14 8 5
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 9.9 6.2 3.4 10 6-4 36 28.6% 34% 50% 2.6 6.2 3.4 1.7 2.6 0.4 4.1 9.9 10.3 10 6 6
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 14.4 1.4 2.9 4 2-2 36 22.2% 23.1% 66.7% 1.4 1.4 2.9 2.9 4.3 1.4 2.9 14.4 2.9 6 1 1
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 3.1 3.1 7 7 3-4 36 - 33.3% 0% 0 3.1 7 3.1 3.1 0 3.1 3.1 8.6 4 2 2
Total 11.4 6.3 2.5 10 25--15 36 30.6% 40.6% 65.6% 2.5 6.3 2.5 1.2 2.2 0.6 2.5 11.4 12.6
Player Height Age Pts Reb Ast GP W-L MIN 3P% FG% FT% Or Reb Ast Stl To Blk Fo Pts Eff PTS REB AST
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 19.9 7.6 1.5 10 6-4 40 66.7% 55.3% 81.1% 2.8 7.6 1.5 0.7 3 0.8 2.3 19.9 20.4 30 11 4
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 15.2 8.1 1.4 10 6-4 40 47.4% 48.7% 53.8% 4.4 8.1 1.4 0.5 1.4 1.4 2 15.2 17.6 17 10 2
Darius James 1m87 19 9.4 3 4.6 10 6-4 40 25.7% 34.2% 78.9% 1 3 4.6 0.8 3.6 0 2 9.4 7.4 14 5 7
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 17 10.8 0.7 10 6-4 40 - 50.9% 65.2% 5.3 10.8 0.7 1.9 1.9 2.2 5.7 17 22.3 20 11 1
Ben Finney 1m98 20 8.7 8.1 2.5 10 6-4 40 15.6% 26.9% 54.3% 3.5 8.1 2.5 1.8 1.6 0.3 2.6 8.7 10.2 12 11 7
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 9.6 7.6 2.5 10 6-4 40 37.5% 37% 80% 2.2 7.6 2.5 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.9 9.6 13.5 12 10 3
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 11.4 7 4.2 10 6-4 40 37.5% 31.6% 52.9% 1.7 7 4.2 2.5 2.3 0.4 3.4 11.4 13.3 14 8 5
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 11 6.9 3.8 10 6-4 40 28.6% 34% 50% 2.9 6.9 3.8 1.9 2.9 0.5 4.5 11 11.4 10 6 6
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 16 1.6 3.2 4 2-2 40 22.2% 23.1% 66.7% 1.6 1.6 3.2 3.2 4.8 1.6 3.2 16 3.2 6 1 1
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 3.5 3.5 7.8 7 3-4 40 - 33.3% 0% 0 3.5 7.8 3.5 3.5 0 3.5 3.5 9.6 4 2 2
Total 12.6 7 2.8 10 25--15 40 30.6% 40.6% 65.6% 2.8 7 2.8 1.3 2.4 0.7 2.8 12.6 14
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 24.8% 16,3 14,0 18,0 14,4 7% 16% -8 8% 14% 22%
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 19.7% 9,0 8,0 16,0 8,5 8% 9% 0 13% 11% 24%
Darius James 1m87 19 18.3% 11,7 4,0 5,2 5,3 24% 26% 6.8 3% 6% 9%
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 22.8% 7,3 6,0 18,8 8,1 4% 11% -6.8 15% 16% 31%
Ben Finney 1m98 20 18% 10,5 5,0 8,1 6,8 15% 11% 6.6 10% 13% 24%
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 14.8% 6,7 6,0 10,1 5,8 18% 13% 8.9 6% 16% 22%
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 20.8% 7,6 4,0 10,5 5,4 21% 15% 11.9 5% 15% 20%
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 21% 6,8 2,0 8,6 4,5 19% 18% 5.9 8% 12% 20%
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 36.1% 4,3 0 4,1 1,1 10% 17% -5.8 2% 0% 2%
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 12.3% 1,6 1,0 6,0 1,3 45% 37% 46 0% 7% 7%
Player Height Age eFG% TS% 3PAr FTr %FGA/2PTm %FGA/3PTm %FGA/FTm %PTS/2PTm %PTS/3PTm %PTS/FTm PTS/2PTm PTS/3PTm
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 74,1% 62,3% 2,6% 46,5% 66,5% 1,8% 31,7% 71,3% 3,5% 25,1% 1.1 2
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 53,3% 55,1% 25,0% 17,1% 64,0% 21,3% 14,6% 62,2% 30,0% 7,8% 0.98 1.42
Darius James 1m87 19 43,7% 44,6% 44,3% 24,1% 44,9% 35,7% 19,4% 46,2% 34,6% 19,2% 0.82 0.77
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 64,5% 54,5% 0% 41,8% 70,5% 0% 29,5% 78,9% 0% 21,1% 1.02 0
Ben Finney 1m98 20 39,1% 35,3% 41,0% 44,9% 40,7% 28,3% 31,0% 48,5% 22,7% 28,8% 0.7 0.47
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 44,4% 48,8% 44,4% 18,5% 46,9% 37,5% 15,6% 38,6% 47,4% 14,0% 0.73 1.13
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 39,5% 41,9% 42,1% 29,8% 44,6% 32,4% 23,0% 33,3% 50,0% 16,7% 0.55 1.13
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 44,7% 41,2% 29,8% 42,6% 49,3% 20,9% 29,9% 52,2% 26,1% 21,7% 0.73 0.86
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 30,8% 34,9% 69,2% 23,1% 25,0% 56,3% 18,8% 20,0% 60,0% 20,0% 0.5 0.67
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 33,3% 29,1% 0% 33,3% 75,0% 0% 25,0% 100,0% 0% 0% 0.67 0
Player Height Age %MIN %PTS %FGM %FGA %2PM %2PA %3PM %3PA %FTM %FTA %OREB %DREB %REB %AST %TOV %STL %BLK %BLKA %PF %PFD %+/- %EFF
Gerald Lee 2m08 21 86% 26% 27% 20% 33% 26% 4% 2% 34% 27% 17% 19% 18% 9% 21% 9% 20% - 14% - - 24%
Keyon Carter 2m05 20 59% 14% 16% 13% 15% 14% 18% 12% 5% 7% 18% 10% 13% 6% 7% 4% 23% - 8% - - 15%
Darius James 1m87 19 83% 12% 11% 14% 10% 11% 18% 22% 12% 10% 6% 8% 7% 27% 24% 10% 0% - 12% - - 9%
Frank Hassell 2m05 20 42% 11% 12% 9% 15% 13% 0% 0% 12% 12% 16% 11% 13% 2% 7% 12% 26% - 17% - - 13%
Ben Finney 1m98 20 76% 10% 9% 13% 9% 11% 10% 20% 15% 18% 19% 16% 17% 13% 10% 21% 6% - 14% - - 11%
Jonathan Adams 1m98 21 59% 9% 9% 9% 6% 7% 18% 15% 6% 5% 9% 15% 13% 10% 7% 6% 11% - 8% - - 11%
Marsharee Neely 1m90 20 47% 8% 8% 10% 5% 8% 18% 15% 7% 9% 6% 12% 9% 14% 9% 18% 6% - 11% - - 9%
Kent Bazemore 1m98 19 42% 7% 7% 8% 6% 8% 8% 9% 8% 10% 9% 8% 8% 11% 10% 12% 6% - 13% - - 7%
Trian Iliadis 1m93 19 16% 4% 3% 6% 1% 2% 10% 14% 4% 4% 2% 0% 1% 3% 6% 7% 7% - 3% - - 1%
Marquel De Lancey 1m85 18 16% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 3% 2% 9% 5% 8% 0% - 4% - - 2%